No motivation to blog as compared to the past, not sure why.
Another thing is it's very saddening to see the beauty bloggers(not all) fighting for advertiser's attention and i start to ponder is their review genuine to their friends and readers?
Well some copied from other's blog or website and credited as their own hard work, no one love that and the act itself is really sickening.
Isn't blogging about skincare / cosmetics your passion or just out to get "famous"?
In my earlier post i mentioned someone changed her URL to almost the same as mine (after adding me in FB), i was angry and sad but can't bother much now.
The very first event that i attended was dejavu mascara event, i was so thrilled when Shirleen agree to bring me there, i can make new friends! Anyway i was really lucky to know Shirleen as she always share her beauty tips and products review with me. She's really a nice friend and big sister to me.
I still remember vividly that i was being somehow "insulted" by a blogger at the dejavu event. No big issue, i am not a very prominent + good writer so it's ok. I don't want to poison anyone.
Now i somehow feel like i'm in my part time modelling days whereby everyone fight for more jobs and attention from my boss, the newbies are always disliked by the senior experience models.
Neverthless i'm glad and happy that i had met a few nice bloggers, willingly to share with me their beauty experiences and thoughts. I love reading their blogs each time.
Anyway, i will slowly revamp my site, i need to fix the header - i know it looked very ugly now.
I shall not poke my nose into other's business and concentrate on sharing all the beauty tips and products i had tried. :)
xoxo ~ till then.
Your blog page look pretty ok to me leh! (Mine was very simple.. too lazy to change anything! lolx)
Aiyo.. blogging suppose to be fun one... I kinda don't care much about what going on(but still like to KPO abit! heehee), anyway...just do what you love and be happy! ^__^
It was nice meeting and knowing you <3
Thanks sweetie! :D Nice knowing you too!
I like your blog background, look nice and i enjoy reading your blog, 1 of my favourite! ~heh :)
I'm actually very fed up too, and my blogging enthusiasm has taken a slight dip. Sigh....
sian man..but i'm going to ignore all these and i agree with chantana too..blogging should be fun!
i'm not gg to read those bloggers who can crapped so much like use whatever products also omg REALLY? >.<
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