July 12, 2010

Double Eye-lid

I scanned the pics from "POPTEEN", talking about how different ladies create their double eye-lids using tapes or glue.
I have inner double eye lid and that makes me really very frustrated as i need to spend lots of time either using the glue or tape. None is fast and all required skill and i am always taking donkeys years to get it done. I HATE IT! Easiest way out is to go eye surgery which i really thought of.

Pics scanned from POPTEEN!

The tape seem to be visible after few hours and mm...so far the glue is the best!

I bought and tried lots of brand and types of tapes and glue.
See! Crazy girl bought so many different tapes of tapes and glue.

Lots of Japanese girls are using this, is a sticky thin tape in between it and you need to pull both side,
and stick it 2-3mm above your eye lid. You will need to cut away both end when you are done.

This is what i meant, you need to cut away both end, refer to pic below.
You got to be very careful in case you cut your own skin.
Last step, you need to use the applicator to push it in.

You think which is better?
I'll prefer glue ~

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