Introducing fresh from Dejavu’s latest product range ~ Dejavu Fibrewig Extra Long, Dejavu Lash Knockout and Dejavu Lasting Fine eyeliner. Product pamphlets and products were given out for sampling during the event, followed by an in-depth introduction with demonstrations provided by the make-up artist. After which, we had a chance to try on the product and had pictures taken for a contest.
Here's the link for the contest, Check it out !
Frankly speaking, I am not much of a fan of mascaras; as most of mascaras always claimed to be waterproof, water-resistant, giving maximum length bla bla bla; doesn't work for me at all.
Normally by end day, stains tend leave their mark under my eyes and round the corner too, making me look unglam and messy. I've tried several brands ranging from high-end cosmetics companies to mass market drugstore brands, but none made an impression.
I have rather short eye lashes due to past negligence and eyelash extension that had really damaged all my lashes.
To be honest, I was a little sceptical about the product during the introduction but after experiencing it personally, my perception changed! *Shall share the pictures below later and you guys will know why!*
I use both Dejavu Fibrewig Extra Long and Dejavu Lash Knockout to give me volumizing lashes and finished off with the Dejavu lasting fine eyeliner on the event that day.
The trick to get longer lashes while using fibrewig is to coat your lashes mid-way up for a few times. Always make sure your lashes are dry before you paint the second coat of mascara.
You ladies must be wondering what is Dejavu Lash Knockout then?
It is a volumizing mascara, providing more volume with every coat you apply; separating your lashes even if you apply layers of coat on it and most importantly it leaves no clumps at all! We were told that you can curl your lashes before you apply (as usual) or curl them aftermath, but you have to be gentle and careful if you are using the normal type of curler so that you won’t break the fibre if not you'll get uneven lashes.
I will advise you guys to curl before hand or using a heat curler after you are done with your mascara.
As for the eyeliner, it still remain the same when i reached home and trust me it doesn't smudge, doesn't comes off easily. I have oily eye lids, so all these mascaras and eyeliner cater for all my needs!
I reached home around 3am that day and guess what? No more "panda eyes" ! No under-eye stains! No smudge around the eye corners at all! Maximum love! I'm going to use this everyday from now on and clubbing for sure!
Not only that, the arduous task of removing mascara is a thing of the past! I merely remove the "fibre" and debris by just using warm water with cotton wool; it’s basically effortless and cheap. If you have accidentally brush some mascara on your face or eyes, simply use a cotton bud and dip with some warm water to remove it. Amazing isn't it?
Here's the Pics taken on event day!
Make-up artist using Lash knockout to volumize model's lashes.
Was served with drinks & desserts after the event!
Was served with drinks & desserts after the event!

So for all you ladies out there in search for that perfect mascara, this might be your glimmer of hope; if it works for me, who knows it might work for you too!
Dejavu Fibrewig Extra Long, Dejavu Lash Knockout and Dejavu Lasting Fine eyeliner will be launching on 21st May 2010!
They will be available at all Guardians, John Little, Sasa and Watsons!
I believe some of you are eager to try out this mascara now! You can actually purchase it through here before the launch date!!
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